Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 39 1980
IR Study of Monocalcium Aluminate-Organic
Acid Compounds
M. M. Ali, K. K. NARANG* AND v. K. SiNGH
Pages : 191-197
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1980.10840747
The nature of formation of compounds between monocalcium
aluminate and organic acids such as salicylic, anthranilic
and sulphanilic acid taken in the ratio of 1 : 1, 10: 1 and
100: 1 respectively was studied by infra-red spectroscopy.
Sallcvlic and anthranilic acids deprotonate to form resonanc~
stabilized chelate structures with hydrated alumina
while sulphanillc acid deprotonates to form bridged complexes
in the cementitious phase.