Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 36 1977
Process Control Parameters and Difficulties
1n Alumina Slip Casting
Pages : 82-87
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1977.10840647
Earlier workers have reported various techniques of making
alumina slips, and the main factors affecting slip characteristics
are: particle size distribution, density and pH of
the slip. Fluidity or viscosity of the slip is dependent on the
density and pH. In this work, emphasis has been placed on
mould porosity, and keeping particle size distribution and pH
constant, experiments have been carried out to investigate
into the following aspects:
1. Effect of mould porosity and slip density on dry
density of castings.
2. Effect of slip density on casting rate.
3. Effect of slip density on its viscosity.
4. Effect of different ranges of the temperature product.
All samples were drain cast in a specially designed
mould. The maximum obtainable slip density was limited
by the appearance of dilatancy, imparting high resistance
to flow. The slip viscosity increased rapidly beyond this
point. Dry density of castings increased with increasing
mould porosity up to the point of appearance of dilatancy.
No significant variation in dry density· was noticed on
further increasing the slip density. Higher firing temperature
eliminated the pores in relatively shorter time.