Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 34 1975
Simultaneous Determination of Si02 & Al20 3 in Aluminosilicates
Pages : 94-98
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1975.10840617
After fusion of the sample with KOH in nickel crucible, extracting the same with
water and acidifying the homogeneous solution, an aliquot is taken out for the determination
of Si02 based on the titration of liberated HF on hyrolysis of K2SiF6 in hot water and the
other aliquot for the determination of Al20 3 based on the titration of released EDT A from
AI-EDT A complex on boiling with NaF. This simultaneous determination of Si02 and
A/20 3 in a/uminosilicate samples, particularly high alumina refractories, mu/lite, kyanite,
etc is very rapid and simple. The time required for the determination of Si02 and A/20 3
of such samples is only two hours and a half.