Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 24 1965
A Review of the Chemical Resistance of Glass
Pages : 12-23
DOI :10.1080/0371750X.1965.10855514
!~e reaction between glass. and water and various reagents under various
condztzons and the dependence of these reactions on the glass composition as
wel~ as on the nature of the reagents have been the subject of various studies
durmg the last 80 years. Although the reaction mechanism is stitl not clearly
:mde:stood, wme workers studied the attack of zeater on glass, and suggested
that zt was merely a solution process of glass in water. Several workers have also
emphasized on the idea of adsorption and then absorption of water into the
glass followed by subsequent hydrolysis or decomposition of the glass. For
the last 30 years, the experimental results on action of water on glass have been
interpreted by some authors from a physical point of view. Ion exchange
controlled by diffusion process was sugge,sted as the mechanism of the reactidn.
However, most of the results have been shown to be difficult to interpret
in terms of the above theory.