Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 23 1964
Fast Changing Steel Technology and Its Impact
on Refractories
Pages : 144-149
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1964.10855493
The authors have reviewed the different processes and the changes involved
in the manufacture of steel, with emphasis on the features important to
the refractories industry in India. The open hearth and oxygen processes have been
discussed in broad details. The unavoidable impact on refractories particularly on
the improvement of quality of super silica bricks, as also the gradual swing to all
basic furnaces with all their advantages and limitations are dealt with. According
to the authors, the much higher cost of basic bricl~s can onlyi be justified if the
output is very much higher in comparison to the output from efficiently run silicaroof
open hearth furnaces. And unless all connected problems are completely integrated,
basic roofs alone can leave seriolis loopholes. The different aspects of hearth,
checker and furnace refractories have also been briefly discussed.