Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 23 1964
Estimation of free Calcium Hydroxide present in
Hydrated Cements by Differential Thermogravi.
metric Analysis
M. K. Chatterjee and D. Lahiri
Pages : 198-202
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1964.10855499
method for the estimation of free calcium hydroxide in set cement by
!J· T· G. A. has been developed, using a manually operated thermogravimetric
v~lance. It has bee~1 observed that loss due to dehydration of Ca(OH)2 which
gwe~ a measu1e of tis amount can be determined from the area of the peak
round 550°C after correcting for the loss at this temperal1ne range due to
other constituents of set cement by extrapolation.