Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 23 1964
Hydraulicity of Glassy Slags of the System Ca0-AI203-
Si02 : I. Influence of the Amount of lime used as
Activator and Basicity of Slags on Hydraulicity
Pages : 203-208
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1964.10855500
A Jew glassy slags in the system, C1-0-Al20-Si02 were prepared having a
fixed Sz0 2 /AI 20a ralzo of about 1.15 and different -proportions of CaO in the
mnge o[_ 35-50 _per cent by weight. The hydraulic properties of _the slag
powders m adrl!lxl urc with different projJOrfions of hydrated lime were studied.
The hyd_raulicity of the slags increased with increase in the proportion
of Ca~ zn their chemical compositions and also with the increase of lime in
t!:e mzxture. The amount of lime necessary for the development of maximum
strength was found to decrease with increasing CaO content of the slag.