Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 20 1961
Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
Calcutta 32
Pages : 43-53
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1961.10855418
Six near white china clays were examined for their colour, following the I.C.I.
trichromatic colorimetric co-ordinate system after being fired to come 7 and 13 and
the results were correlated with their Fes03 and TiOs contents, determined polarographically.
The yellowness factor giving a measure of the off-whiteness of the
samples was alsa calculated. The clay having the minimum purity, maximum
brightness and lowest yellowness factor was selected for incorporation in a porcelain
composition. Different amounts of Fes03 and TiOs were added to this
composition and fired to cone 7 and 13. The fired colour of th~ samples were
similarly examined. It was observed that Fes03 imparts colour to pprcelain body
and its effect becomes prominent in presence of TiO=. In samples comparatively
free from Fe,03, TiOt has little effect on colour.