Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 20 1961
Safe Limit of Fluoride Content for direct
Silica Determination
Pages : 96-99
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1961.10855427
Abstract glass, glaze and enamel compositions containing up to 7 per cent fluorine
were analysed for silica content after separating fluorine as well as by the direc~
gravimetric method for a comparative study. Statistical analysis of the data shows
that separation of flumine did not make any difference in the results of silica estimation.
Volatilisation of silica as its fluorine compounds did not occur in these samples
possibly due to the presence of alumina. It is concluded that in samples contaz~ning
less than 7 per cent fluorine and 5 per cent or more of arumina, sil£ca can be
estimated without separating fluorine.