Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 12 1953
Pages : 18-18
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1953.10877593
On behalf of the Reception Committee of the Indian Ceramic
Society, I extend to you a very hearty welcome to this Annual
General Meeting. It is, indeed, very gratifying to see that the
Council of the Indian Ceramic Society accepted our invitation
and is holding its Annual General Meeting this year at Hyderabad.
The Osmania University, has a flourishing Faculty of Science and
the Department of Chemical Technology is a part thereof. The
Ceramic industry is a growing industry in Hyderabad and there
are indications that a considerable amount of raw material
that is needed by this industry is available in Hyderabad. Accordingly,
the subject of Ceramics occupies a high place in the
development programme of this University and need I add
that all those connected with the University in particular and
the Ceramic industry in general welcome your decision to hold
your deliberations this year in our midst. I am sure your stay
here will be most fruitful and your meetings will result in the
devising of improved technique and methods in this field of
Science and promoting closer cooperation between the industrialists
and the academic men.