Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 12 1953
Pages : 119-120
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1953.10877613
In partial modification of our earlier circular regarding
Silver Jubilee Celebrations appearing in March 1953 issue of
our Transactions (Vol. XII No. 1, pp. 1 and 2), it has become
necessary to postpone the Silver Jubilee Celebrations from
November 1953 to February 1954, as per the decision of the
Working Committee Meeting held in Calcutta on 26th September
'53. The venue of the Silver Jubilee Session remains at Banaras
Hindu University, unchanged. It has also been decided to publish
the special articles received for the Silver Jubilee Volume as
part of the usual Transactions of the Society, but as a Special
Jubilee Number. In addition, a Brochure will be published
on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee giving a brief history and
progress of the Society and the Ceramic Industries in India.
The Brochure will be suitably illustrated.