Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 10 1951
Investigations on Travancore Zircon Calcines
as Ceramic Opacifiers.
M. R. l\1anjeshwar and H. N. Roy
Pages : 128-150
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1951.10877545
Zircon opacifiers are becoming very common in ceramic
glazes and enamels. Only one method of producing them was
attempted here. Travancore zircon is calcined with soda ash
and in some cases along with alumina. The products obtained
were subsequently processed and were tested for opae~fying power
in different glazes and enamels. In one case pure zircon sand
was also calcined at 1410oC to be ground and used in glazes and
enamels, to study the effect of thermal history of the material
for its bearing on the opaczfying properties