Clays from Bilaspur State (Punjab) |
M. L. MISRA, .M:.Sc., LL.B., & B. PRASAD, il'I.Sc. & M. B. YADAV, M.Sc.,
Pages : 32-40
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1943.11012009 |
Abstract |
Bilaspur State is situated in the Lower Himalayan region
of the Punjab between the latitudes 31°13'-31°31' and longitude3
76°23'-76°55'. Thi3 State is cut aeross by low hill ranges
running mnstly North-South. The most important amongst
these is B.:111dle-ki-dhar which has N.S. strike and divides the
state into two parts. The NainA. Devi ridge has a N.W.-S.E.
strike and almost forms the western boundary of the State
while Kot-ki-dhar of the Siwalik formation runs parallel to the
Na1na Devi-ki-dhar on its {'ast. The Sutlej is the only big and
navigable river of the State and flows roughly east-west. There
are many other small streams, locally known as Khuds, which
form the tributaries of the Sutlej. |
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