Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 60 2001
Improvement of Life of 300T Steel
Ladle with Zonal Lining
T. K. Pal, L.Tiwari, P. Nandi, B. D. Chattaraj, V. Basini* and S. B. R. Yadav
Pages : 74-76
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2001.10799971
Use of resin bonded alumina-magnesia-carbon bricks In steel
ladle refractory linings at Bokaro Steel Plant has significantly
improved ladle lining lives while reducing steel penetration and
ladle refractory costs. These bricks have been characterized on
the basis of residual expansion properties. A zonal lining with
different qualities of refractories in different zones of the ladle,
has been developed in such a way that the rates of wear were
uniform throughout the ladle lining.