Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 60 2001
Pillared lnterlayered Clays - An Overview
N. K. Mitra and 5. Maitra
Pages : 121-125
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2001.10799984
New classes of clay based materials mainly for the use as cata·
lysts and molecular sieves have been developed recently by the
intercalation of metal complex cations with smectite clay miner·
als. By controlling the surface chemical equilibrium, interlamellar
swelling or reactant pair proximity in the lnterlayer regions, the
selectivity of both the metal catalyzed and proton catalyzed
chemical conversions In clay Intercalates can often be regulated.
The Intercalation of poly-nuclear hydroxy metal cations and metal
cluster cations In smectite affords new pillared clay catalysts
with pore sizes that can be made larger than those of conventional
zeolites. In the present paper, a review has been presented
on the preparations, properties and different applications of
pillared clays.