Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 43 1984
Neodymium Containing Laser Glasses
Pages : 38-43
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1984.10822675
oŁ, the laser cross-section and oF, the cross-section derived from
absorption and fluorescence measurements through LandenburgFuchtbauer
relationship have been estimated for a series of Nd3+containing
silicate glasses. A direct correlation between o L and oF
for Nd3+ in silicate glasses could be established. A technique has been
developed for producing glasses of good optical quality on a small
scale over a wide range of composition. Laser rods were cut from
glass made by this technique and their cross-sections measured. The
laser cross-section varied from 1 x I0-20 em• to 3.2 x I0-20 em•. The
rod did not thermally fracture when operated at a repetition rate of
10 p.p.s. with 30J per pulse input power. The results also indicate that
the damage threshold is sufficiently high to suggest that this glass may
be a viable alternative to CaW04 in a laser range finder.