Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 42 1983
Future Trends in Application of Monolithic Refractories
in the Cement Industry
Pages : 164-168
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1983.10822658
The manufacturing process of cement has been described briefly and
the conditions prevailing within the rotary kiln for both dry and wet
processes have been presented. The characteristics required for the
conventional refractory lining of rotary kiln have been discussed in
detail. The properties of indigenous refractories have been compared
with those of similar products in use in the advanced countries like
USA, UK, USSR, Austria, Germany and Japan.
The possibility of using castable refractories having equivalent
properties of the refractory bricks mentioned earlier has been discussed
with appropriate examples. The advantages and disadvantages
of monolithic refractories against those of the conventional refractory
bricks have been fully explained. and the application technique for
lining the rotary kiln with castables has been presented.