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1. Submission of Papers

All manuscripts for the TRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY must be submitted via the online manuscript peer-review system, ScholarOne Manuscripts (S1M) at Kindly follow the instructions for registration and uploading the manuscript. In case of any difficulty, please contact us by email:
Submission of a paper implies that the results reported have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Any reproduction in the manuscript of full tables, diagrams, etc from other published sources must be accompanied by publishers’ written permission. Prospective authors in need of clarifications are requested to consult the Honorary Editor.

2. Copyright Transfer

It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to the Indian Ceramic Society. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the Journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.
The corresponding author must complete the copyright form found in the Instructions & Forms section of the S1M site ( and send it by email to the Indian Ceramic Society as soon as possible.

This form must be completed (with due signature) and received by the Society before a manuscript can be placed in the publishing process. .

3. Cover Letter

Authors must submit cover letters with their manuscripts consisting full address for correspondence and a short statement that explains the importance of work being submitted. Editor will use this statement to help decide whether the manuscript meets the standard of the journal before sending for review. This statement is of particular importance for Rapid Communications, in which novelty and impact in the area are required. Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors.

4. Types of Contributions

Several categories of papers in the filed of glass, ceramics and allied materials are published in TICS:

(i) Regular Articles – critical accounts of original basic, applied or industrial work
(ii) Featured Articles – articles with more detailed expositions of the subjects they cover. These may include, in part, reviews of recent research on the subject to enable the widest possible audience to understand the technical content. Authors may send a proposal to the Editor for consideration of an article as Featured Article.
(iii) Topical Reviews (by invitation) – extended description of the current status in the science/technology of a particular area in glass, ceramics and related fields. These are generally invited. Contributing authors willing to write reviews are requested to consult the Honorary Editor.
(iv)Opinions (usually invited) / Achievements / Status Reports – expert comments on specific topics / important information that merit dissemination.
5. Manuscript Preparation (MS-Word format)
(For details, please refer to any of the published papers of the journal)
5.1 Title :

Font and size: Times New Roman 12 point, bold, upper and lower case letters, single line space; alignment: Centered.

5.2 Authors' Details :
Author’s name(s) and authors’ affiliation information should be 11-point Times New Roman, upper and lower case letters, centered under the title. One line space should separate the title from the author listing(s).
Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author and check that all names are accurately spelled. Present the authors’ affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lowercase superscript letter (e.g. Rupita Ghosha) immediately after the author’s name and in front of the appropriate address. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the PIN code and country name.

Example is given below::
Rupita Ghosha, * and Ritwik Sarkar b
aDepartment of Biotechnology, Rama University, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 209217, India
bDepartment of Ceramic Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha, 769008, India
Corresponding author: Clearly indicate who is responsible for correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, including post-publication. Email id of the corresponding author should be provided clearly.
5.3 General Format:
Standard A4 size (21 cm x 29.7 cm); all margins should be 2.5 cm; Text font and size: Times New Roman 12 point, double line space; alignment: Justified. Each page and line of the manuscript should be numbered.

5.4 General Presentation :
The content should include following major sections: ‘Abstract’, ‘Introduction’, ‘Experimental’, ‘Results and Discussion’, ‘Conclusions’ and ‘Acknowledgements’ (if any). References, tables and figures are to be provided after the text. All the tables should be provided sequentially after the text and should be accompanied by corresponding Table no. and caption. All the figures should be provided sequentially after the tables and should be followed by corresponding Fig. no. and caption. In addition, the original files of each individual figure (jpeg or tiff) should also be provided separately (jpeg or tiff; not pasted in the doc file).

5.4.1 An abstract for a paper / review article is to be provided at the beginning which should be brief indicating scope of the work and principal findings. It should not normally exceed 200 words, and should be followed by 4 to 5 keywords.
5.4.2 Introduction, Introduction, including a review of the literature, should not exceed what is necessary to indicate the reason for taking up the work and the essential background.
5.4.3 Description of techniques and equipment should generally be included in short in the Experimental section of the manuscript.
5.4.4 If possible, Results and Discussion may not be intermingled; the discussion should be restricted to logical interpretation as a basis for conclusions supported by the results. Information density must be high, and verbose and roundabout expressions should be avoided.
5.4.5. References: The author is responsible for accuracy. Literature reference should be in separate sheets at the end of the paper in the order in which they appear and are numbered in the text. The reference numbers should be cited as superscripts in the text.

The cited references should be up to date. Each reference should provide the following information in the sequence set out below:

(i) Papers:
R. Sarkar, A. Agrawal and R. Ghosh, Trans. Indian Ceram. Soc., 78, 1-7 (2019).

M. Chen, Q. Sun, X. Yang and J. Yu, Inorg. Chem. Commun.(2019);

(ii) Conference Proceedings:

K. Zakharova, A. Mednikova, V. Rumyantsev and T. Genusova,“Synthesis of Boron Carbide from Boric Acid and Carbon-Containing Precursors”, p. 4 in: Proc. Int. Conf. Nanomater. Appl.Prop., Ed. A. Pogrebnjak, 2 (03AET09), IEEE, Ukraine (2013).

(iii) Books:
N. N. Greenwood and A. Earnshaw, Chemistry of the Elements, 1st edition, pp. 203-204, Butterworth Heinemann, Elsevier, New Delhi, India (1997).
A. Jouini, “MgAl2O4 Spinel Laser Crystals: Pure and Ti-, Mn-, or Ni-Doped”, pp. 203-215 in: Shaped Crystals, Advances in Materials Research, vol. 8, Eds. T. Fukuda and V. I. Chani, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2007).

(iv) Website references are also acceptable.

5.5. Tables:

Tables should be numbered with Roman numerals in the order in which they are referred to in the text. Each table should be accompanied by a title which makes the information intelligible without reference to the text. The number of columns should be kept to a minimum. Long column headings should be avoided by the use of explanatory footnote indicated in the table by superscript letters. Presentation of same data in tabular and graphical form is not desirable; in all such cases the graphical form is preferred.

5.6. Mathematical formulae:
These should be written carefully in the exact form in which they are to be printed. Care should be taken to distinguish between capital and small letters and subscripts and superscripts. A zero should be used before decimals (0.231, not .231). Fractional exponents should be used instead of root sign.
5.7. Figures:
Illustrations must be submitted as electronic files at appropriate clarity and resolution and the size intended for publication. Colour images should be submitted in full colour. For file format, indicate the details and submit line artwork (vector graphics) as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), and halftones or photographic images as Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). Minimum acceptable resolution at final, published size is 300 dpi (dots per inch) for colour figures, 500 dpi for grayscale images, and 300+ dpi for line art.
These resolutions are for when the figure (excluding white space on the edges) is sized to a column width of approx. 8.5 cm (3.3 inch) or in other words, the figure must be a minimum of 1000 pixels wide. If the graphic is to be published in a two-column format then the 300 dpi minimum should apply to a figure width of approx. 18 cm (7 inch) or in other words, the figure must be a minimum of 2100 pixels wide.
Normally, figures and micrographs are submitted and published in black and white. Figures submitted in colour will appear in colour when published online. However, if colour print reproduction is desired, the author must indicate this and commit to paying costs of printing in colour, which are US $ 60 (` 4000) per figure with colour.
Each figure submitted must be clearly identified with a figure number and caption. Captions of all figures should be grouped in a single list after the Reference section of the manuscript. The captions should be formatted doublespaced. Figures with multiple parts/images (each part of the figure should be distinguished with labels a, b, c, d, etc, but with one caption) should be assembled into one piece and be submitted as one file. All labelled parts require an explanation in the caption.
Micrographs will usually be sized to approx. 8.5 cm (3.3 inch) in width. Magnification indicators, e.g. ‘1000X’, must not be used, because micrographs are typically reduced before publication. The machine-generated information in the micrographs should be legible for reproduction. If there is other critical information in the machine-generated legend, it should be added to the caption.
Line drawings should be drawn boldly to ensure clear reproduction. The inside legends/writings and labels of all the figures should be large enough, as also prominent, so that they can be clearly readable when the figure is reduced to a column width (approx. 8.5 cm). All the line diagrams should have clear X-axis and Y-axis lines as also clear X-axis and Y-axis titles with corresponding units (which should be provided as per the style of the journal). All the line diagrams should be presented as separate boxes; the X-axis and Y-axis should be the two arms of the box. The X-axis and Y-axis of all the line diagrams should contain ticks (i.e. mark up of data points).
If a figure has been taken directly from another published source, the author must obtain written permission to reprint from the original publisher. This permission should be forwarded to the Editorial Office when the article is being submitted for publication, and the source of the figure should be cited as a reference in the figure caption.

5.8. Graphical Abstract:
A graphical abstract for all categories of papers must be included at the last page of the submitted manuscript, following these instructions:
The graphic should be in the form of a structure, graph, drawing, photograph, or scheme. Submit the graphical abstract at the actual size to be used for publication so that it will fit in an area no larger than 2 inches by 1.5 inches (approx. 5 cm by 4 cm).

6. Reprints

Corresponding authors will receive free online access to their article through the website: tcer20. Reprints of articles published in this journal can be purchased through Rightslink® or alternatively on our journals website. If you have any queries, please contact our reprints department at

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