Transactions of the INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol. 38 1979
Bonding of Vanadium {IV) in Na20,
2 B203-As203 G I asses
Pages : 68-73
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.1979.10840891
Bonding behaviour of vanadium (IV) in a series of Na20,
2B20a-As20 8 glasses has been studied with optical and
electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The esr spectra have
been analyzed by assuming that vanadium (IV) is present
in these glasses as vanadyl ion in a ligand field of C,v
symmetry. It has been found that up to 10 mole% addition
of As20 8 to Na20.2B20 3 glass, the covalency in the inplane
V -0 a-bonds decreases, and the degree of ... -bonding
with the vanadyl oxygen sharply increases; with further
addition of As20 3 no more changes in these parameters
occur. The very big changes in the ... -bonding has been
interpreted as due to participation of arsenic (111)-oxygen
polyhedra in bonding with vanadium ion along the z-axis.