The Silver Jubilee Session of the Indian Ceramic Society
was held in the Banaras Hindu University at the kind invitation
of the University, between the 7th and lOth of February 1954,
before a iarge and distinguished gathering of scientists,
industrialists and public men under the presidentship of
Dr. Atma Ram, Director of Central Glass and Ceramics
Research Institute, Calcutta, President of th~ Society. A
special feature of the meeting was the att:mdance of a very
large number of delegates drawn from all over the country.
Four past presidents of the Society, Mr. R. D. Chandorkar,
Mr. C. P. Shah, Mr. S. Krishan Singh and Mr. P. B. Ganpule
took part in the celebrations. The Session was inaugurated
on the 7th February 1954, at 3 P.M. by Hon'ble Pandit
Govind Ballabh Pant, the Chief Minister of U. P. The
proceedings began with the singing of the 'Kulgeet' of the
Banaras Hindu University |