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74 Preparation and Characterization of Glass Ceramic Foams Produced from Copper Slag ABSTRACT

E. Mohamed*, P. Shahsavari1, B. Eftekhari-Yekta and V. K. Marghussian
Pages : 1-5

74 Effects of In-Plane Geometric Shapes on Thermal Shock Resistance of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Components ABSTRACT

Tianbao Cheng, Weiguo Li*, Yushan Shi and Wei Lu
Pages: 6-10

74 Structure Formation of a Double Sintered Nanocrystalline Silica Xerogel Converted From Sago Waste Ash ABSTRACT

H. Aripin,* Seitaro Mitsudo,1 I. Nyoman Sudiana,2 Teruo Saito1 and Svilen Sabchevski3
Pages : 11-15
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2014.980850

74 Ultraviolet Light Induced White Emission of Eu3+ and Dy3+ Co-Doped Oxyfluoride Glass-Ceramics Containing LaF3 Nanocrystals ABSTRACT

Shaojun Cheng, Yanyan Bu, Xiangfu Wang and Xiaohong Yan*
Pages : 16-21
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2014.980851

74 Influence of B-Sialon/Ti(C, N) Powders on the Corrosion and Oxidation Resistance of Zero-Cement Al2O3-SiC-C Refractory Castables ABSTRACT

Dexin Yang, Yangai Liu*, Hao Ding and Zhaohui Huang
Pages : 22-28
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2014.987404

74 Influence of Ferrum on Crystallization and Microstructure of Steel Slag Based Glass-Ceramics ABSTRACT

Zhaobo Liu, Yanbing Zong*, Huan Feng1 and Daqiang Cang
Pages : 29-34
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2014.988831

74 Electrical Transport of Mixed Phased Glassy Nanocomposites ABSTRACT

Ranadip Kundu#, Debasish Roy1 and Sanjib Bhattacharya*
Pages : 35-40
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2014.998842

74 A Novel Synthesis Process of ZnO Nano Powders in Granule Form ABSTRACT

Ömer Yildiz*
Pages: 41-48
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2014.998841

74 Synthesis, Characterization and Effect of Precipitating Agent on the Antibacterial Properties of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles ABSTRACT

Shanmugam Sumathi,* Mopuri Nehru and R. Vidya1
pages : 79-82
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1011791

74 Microwave Dielectric Properties of Sol-Gel Processed Bi4Si3O12 Ceramics and Single Crystal ABSTRACT

Huidong Xie*, Fei Li, Haihong Xi and Di Zhou1
pages : 83-85
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1011288

74 Dehydration-Rehydration Characteristics of Gibbsitic Bauxite under Equilibrium Condition ABSTRACT

Debjyoti Ray, Souvik De and Tapan Kumar Parya*
pages : 86-89
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1036170

74 Solid Particle Erosion Behaviour of Plasma-Sprayed Conventional and Nanostructured Al2O3-13 wt% TiO2 Ceramic Coatings ABSTRACT

Dongsheng Wang*, Zongjun Tian, Songlin Wang#, Lida Shen and Yinhui Huang
pages : 90-96 DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1036169

74 Microstructure and Corrosion Behaviour of Plasma Sprayed Bilayered Ceramic Coatings ABSTRACT

S. Sathish* and M. Geetha1
pages : 97-103
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1046611

74 Fabrication and Properties of Boron Carbide/Graphite Ceramic Pellets ABSTRACT

Ping He,1 Shaoming Dong,* Yanmei Kan, Xiangyu Zhang and Yusheng Ding
pages : 104-107
DOI :10.1080/0371750X.2015.1023467

74 Recycling of Boron Waste to Develop Ceramic Wall Tile in Turkey ABSTRACT

Haluk Celik*
pages : 108-116
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1005758

74 SnO2 Based Ceramics for Hydrogen Sensors: Current Status and Perspectives ABSTRACT

Pratanu Nag and P. Sujatha Devi*
pages : 129-147
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1102084

74 Synthesis of Novel Al2O3-Mullite-cBN Composites from a Mixture of Al2O3 with SiO2 Nanolayer Coated cBN by Rotary CVD and Spark Plasma Sintering ABSTRACT

Xin Zhang, Jianfeng Zhang*, Takashi Goto1 and Yuping Wu
pages : 148-151
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1051627

74 Electrodeposition Synthesis of Polyaniline-Modified TiO2 Nanotube Arrays with Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Property ABSTRACT

Qian Shao*, Yayun Wang, Shengsong Ge, Liwei Bao, Mengchen Yang and Yunfeng Zhu1
pages : 152-156
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1060137

74 Luminescence Properties of Eu2+/Eu3+ Activated Barium Aluminate Phosphors with Gd3+ Concentration Variation ABSTRACT

B. Marí1, K. C. Singh, N. Verma*, M. Mollar1 and J. Jindal
pages : 157-161
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1082932

74 Effect of Nano-ZrO2 Addition on Microstructure, Mechanical Property and Thermal Shock Behaviour of Dense Chromic Oxide Refractory Material ABSTRACT

Lixia Lu, Lizhi Di,1 Chunhui Ding, Chi Zhang and De’an Yang*
pages : 162-168
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1054039

74 Structural Evolution and Property of Hot-pressed Palygorskite Clay ABSTRACT

Xueping Wu*, Liang Zhang, Chong Wang, Yu Liu1, Jianjian Dai, Di Zhu, Yucheng Wu1 and Xianlong Zhang pages: 169-176 DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1049711

74 The Investigation of Neutron Interactions with HfB2 – A Simulation Study ABSTRACT

School of Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (AEOI) Tehran, Iran, PO Box 14155-1339
pages : 177-180
DOI : 0.1080/0371750X.2015.1077687

74 Fabrication of Mullite Bonded Porous SiC Ceramics via Sol-Gel Coated Precursor ABSTRACT

Sanchita Baitalik, Nijhuma Kayal* and Omprakash Chakrabarti
pages: 181-185
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1064327

74 Designing Novel Sulphate-based Ceramic Materials as Insertion Host Compounds for Secondary Batteries ABSTRACT

Debasmita Dwibedi and Prabeer Barpanda
pages : 191-194
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1127183

74 Bioactive Glass and Biopolymer Based Composite Scaffold for Bone Regeneration ABSTRACT

Kanchan Maji and Sudip Dasgupta*
pages : 195-201
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1092396

74 Precipitated CaCO3 with Unique Crystalline Morphology Prepared from Limestone ABSTRACT

Zaenal Arifin, Agus Riyanto, Qudsiyyatul Lailiyah, Triwikantoro, Suminar Pratapa and Darminto*
pages : 202-207
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1084892

74 Synthesis and Characterization of Yttria Nanopowders by Precipitation Method ABSTRACT

Mohammad Khajelakzay*, Reza Shoja Razavi and Masoud Barekat
pages : 208-212
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1089189

74 Thermal Conductivity of Al2O3/Glass/Cf Composite Substrates Prepared by Low Temperature Sintering ABSTRACT

S. X. Wang*, G. S. Liu, X. Q. Ouyang1, Y. D. Wang1 and D. Zhang
pages : 213-217
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1095117

74 Fabrication and Characterization of Diopside-based Glass-Ceramics from Granite Wastes ABSTRACT

Junfeng Kang*, Jinshu Cheng, Xianchun Lou, Peijing Tian and Kai Liu1
pages : 218-224
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1077688

74 High Alumina Castables: Effect of Alumina Sols and Distribution Coefficients ABSTRACT

Akhilesh K. Singh and Ritwik Sarkar*
pages : 225-231
DOI : 10.1080/0371750X.2015.1098566

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